Imaging stroboscopico ultraveloce con strisce RF in un microscopio elettronico a trasmissione commerciale
    1. Lo sviluppo della microscopia elettronica ultraveloce (UEM), in particolare l’imaging stroboscopico, ha portato lo studio della dinamica strutturale a un nuovo livello, superando i limiti spaziali della spettroscopia ultraveloce e i limiti di tempo della tradizionale TEM. La combinazione dei concetti che governano entrambe le tecniche ha consentito la visualizzazione diretta della dinamica con risoluzioni spazio-temporali nel regime del picosecondo-nanometro. Qui spostiamo i limiti  dell’imaging del fascio di elettroni pulsati tramite la deflessione trasversale indotta da RF basata su un generatore di impulsi a striscia di frequenza regolabile da 200 keV di nuova concezione.
    2. Presentiamo una risoluzione spaziale di 0,2 nm e spieghiamo le mappe di induzione dello spin magnetico mediante microscopia di fase. Presentiamo anche misurazioni della coerenza del fascio ed estendiamo il nostro studio utilizzando le modalità di respirazione del pettine di silicio di eccitazione RF, che forniscono una migliore tempistica tra il treno di impulsi di elettroni e il campo elettrico. È stato inoltre sviluppato un nuovo dispositivo RF con impedenza corrispondente al segnale RF per ridurre al minimo la perdita di potenza di trasmissione ai campioni e le sue prestazioni sono paragonate a quelle di un dispositivo campione convenzionale.

    Test del lettore di schede fototermico utilizzando una  striscia reattiva in oro colloidale disponibile in commercio per il rilevamento quantitativo rapido dei rischi alimentari

    • La semplice e veloce striscia reattiva in oro colloidale disponibile in commercio può essere utilizzata solo per il rilevamento qualitativo o semiquantitativo con scarsa rilevabilità e risultati falsi negativi. Questo documento sviluppa una striscia reattiva fototermica che combina la striscia reattiva con un lettore di schede fototermico portatile per ottenere un rilevamento quantitativo con un’eccellente rilevabilità. Secondo l’effetto fototermico prodotto dalle nanoparticelle d’oro (GNP) catturate sulla linea di test, il segnale potrebbe essere catturato da un lettore.
    • Sono stati studiati tredici rischi alimentari, inclusi residui di farmaci veterinari e residui di pesticidi; la rilevabilità fototermica nei campioni effettivi era di circa 23 (paration metilico), 7 (enrofloxacina), 6 (sarafloxacina), 8 (sulfadiazina), 12 (sulfametazina), 7 (paraquat), 6 (verde malachite), 11 (amantadina), 13 (nitrofurazone), 6 (dietilstilbestrolo), 12 (estriolo), 21 (estrone) e 26 (17β-estradiolo) volte meglio del rilevamento visivo. I nostri risultati hanno mostrato che la striscia reattiva fototermica può essere utilizzata per il rilevamento sensibile, rapido e quantitativo dei residui di rischio alimentare.

    Acetato di cellulosa e nanocomposito di cellulosa immobilizzati con il cromoforo DCDHF-idrazone verso una   striscia reattiva intelligente  per il rilevamento colorimetrico del dietilclorofosfato come fattore nervoso mimico

    1. L’esposizione agli agenti nervini, che di solito sono gas incolori e inodori, può causare insufficienza d’organo, paralisi e persino morte rapida. Il dietilclorofosfato (DCP) è stato riconosciuto come uno dei più noti imitatori di fattori nervosi nel combattimento chimico. Nel presente studio, presentiamo una semplice strategia per sviluppare una  striscia microporosa portatile e reversibile basata su nanocompositi per il rilevamento a occhio nudo di DCP in pochi secondi. Il cromoforo di dicianometilene diidrofuranidrazone (DCDHF-H) è stato sintetizzato mediante una facile reazione di accoppiamento azoico e incapsulato   in situ  durante la preparazione di nanocompositi di acetato di cellulosa / nanowiskers di cellulosa / idrazone (CA-CNW-H).
    2. Questi nanocompositi CA-CNW-H hanno mostrato uno spostamento batocromico dell’intensità di assorbimento di circa 142 nm da 438 a 580 nm con l’aumento della concentrazione di DCP. L’attuale striscia sensore CA-CNW-H ha mostrato un limite di rilevamento per DCP compreso tra 25 e 200 ppm. Il cambiamento di colore di CA-CNW-H da giallo a viola dopo l’esposizione a DCP è stato rilevato dall’analisi di CIE Lab. Sono state esaminate la morfologia, la cristallinità fibrosa, la stabilità termica e le proprietà meccaniche delle strisce di sensori CA-CNW-H preparate.

    Sviluppo di una test card basata su strisce immunocromatografiche d’oro colloidale per la rilevazione rapida di anticorpi contro Theileria equi e Babesia caballi.

    1. La piroplasmosi equina (EP) è un problema serio nell’industria equina e il controllo dell’EP è fondamentale per il commercio internazionale di cavalli. L’EP è causato da due protozoi apicomplessi, Theileria equi e Babesia caballi. Metodi rapidi e accurati adatti per rilevare questi parassiti sul campo sono fondamentali per controllare l’infezione e la diffusione di EP. In questo studio abbiamo sviluppato una scheda per la rilevazione degli anticorpi contro T. equi e B. caballi basata su due strisce immunocromatografiche in oro colloidale secondo il principio del double sandwich antigen. Le proteine ​​dell’antigene 1 (EMA1) dell’equimerozoite e la proteina rhoptry BC48 sono comunemente usate come antigeni diagnostici rispettivamente contro T. equi e B. caballi. La proteina EMA1 o BC48 purificata marcata con oro colloidale è stata utilizzata come rivelatore sulla striscia,
    2. Il protocollo richiede da 10 a 15 minuti e non richiede apparecchiature o prodotti chimici specializzati e un test può rilevare due agenti patogeni EP su una scheda. I test di specificità hanno confermato la mancanza di reattività crociata con sieri positivi per i comuni patogeni equini. Utilizzando un kit commerciale per l’immunosorbente enzimatico (cELISA) per il confronto,  476 campioni clinici sono stati testati mediante card. I tassi di coincidenza erano rispettivamente del 96,43% e del 97,90% per T. equi e B. caballi. Il feedback delle prove sul campo è stato costantemente positivo, suggerendo che questo strumento diagnostico può essere utile per controllare la diffusione di T. equi e B. caballi.
    3. La piroplasmosi equina (EP), causata da Theileria equi e Babesia caballi, è una grave malattia trasmessa dalle zecche nei cavalli che si verifica nella maggior parte del mondo. Il PE è considerato una malattia soggetta a denuncia dall’Organizzazione mondiale per la salute animale (OIE). La diagnosi accurata e la differenziazione di T. equi e B. caballi sono molto importanti per la prevenzione, il controllo e il trattamento dell’EP. Ecco perché abbiamo sviluppato  il test immunocromatografico Colloidal Gold Sandwich (GICG) per la rilevazione di T. equi e B. caballi. Due strisce GICG sono state impilate una accanto all’altra su una scheda di rilevamento di T. equi e B. caballi e in un test è stato possibile rilevare due agenti patogeni EP. Il metodo era semplice, veloce e specifico per la rilevazione di EP; pertanto, rispetto ai metodi precedenti, questo metodo è più adatto per la diagnostica dei patogeni sul campo.

    Strisce  immunocromatografiche fluorescenti ad alta specificità nel tempo per la rilevazione simultanea di diversi pesticidi organofosforici in base alla strategia della sonda indiretta

    • L’uso indiscriminato di pesticidi organofosforici (PO) rappresenta un’enorme minaccia per la sicurezza alimentare, la salute umana e l’ambiente. Poiché esistono molti tipi di pesticidi, individuarli è una sfida. Il rilevamento simultaneo di più organofosfati in un test è attualmente un problema da risolvere. In questo articolo,  è stata preparata una striscia di immunocromatografia a fluorescenza a risoluzione temporale (TRFIA) utilizzando anticorpi OP ad ampia specificità (Abs) come elemento di riconoscimento. Gli addominali sono stati combinati con microsfere di lattice di ossido di europio con anticorpi anti-topo di pecora (SaMIgG) per creare una sonda indiretta.
    • Questa strategia può realizzare efficacemente l’amplificazione del segnale e può risparmiare la quantità e proteggere l’attività degli addominali. Al rilevamento, è stato osservato un cambiamento di colore della linea del test (linea T) per la valutazione qualitativa alla luce UV (365 nm). Le immagini campione positive sono state quindi analizzate utilizzando ImageJ per completare il rilevamento quantitativo. In condizioni di progettazione e funzionamento ottimali, il limite di rilevamento della striscia può raggiungere 0,53 ng g  -1  .

Protein A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG06F-PA/W Biomat 1 plate 30.36 EUR

Protein G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG09F-PG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 22.22 EUR

Protein G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG09F-PG/W Biomat 1 plate 30.36 EUR

Wheat Germ Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG11F-WG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 21.01 EUR

Wheat Germ Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG11F-WG/W Biomat 1 plate 28.05 EUR

Neutravidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG21F-NA Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 22.22 EUR

Neutravidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG21F-NA/W Biomat 1 plate 26.84 EUR

Streptavidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG0STF-SA5/200 Biomat 1 plate 23.32 EUR

Streptavidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG0STF-SA5/200/W Biomat 1 plate 26.84 EUR

Protein A/G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG08F-PAG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 37.4 EUR

Protein A/G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG08F-PAG/W Biomat 1 plate 51.37 EUR

Concanavalin A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG07F-CON_A Biomat 1 plate 15.18 EUR

Concanavalin A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG07F-CON_A/W Biomat 1 plate 20.46 EUR

Poly-L-lysine Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG12F-LYS-L Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 15.4 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC3 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG20F-HC3 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 18.7 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC3 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG20F-HC3/W Biomat 1 plate 21.78 EUR

Poly-L-arginine Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG13F-AR Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 21.01 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC1 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG18F-HC1 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 17.49 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC1 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG18F-HC1/W Biomat 1 plate 21.56 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC2 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG19F-HC2 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 18.7 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC2 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG19F-HC2/W Biomat 1 plate 21.78 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG25F-aM Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 32.67 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG25F-aM/W Biomat 1 plate 38.5 EUR

Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG26F-aR Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 28.05 EUR

Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MG26F-aR/W Biomat 1 plate 33.88 EUR

Streptavidin High Binding Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MGSTDF-SB75/100 Biomat 1 plate 25.74 EUR

Streptavidin High Binding Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Clear PS

MGSTDF-SB75/100/W Biomat 1 plate 29.15 EUR

High Binding Capacity - 96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame (Clear)

BSV-MG01F-HB8 BioServUK 100 pcs 606 EUR

Medium Binding Capacity - 96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame (Clear)

BSV-MG0F-MB BioServUK 100 pcs 566 EUR

No Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB03F2-NB Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 10.78 EUR

No Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW03F-NB Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 10.78 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MGB0STF2-SA5-200 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 265.07 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MGB0STF2-SA5-200-W Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 299.09 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MGB15F2-BIO-W Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 287.75 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MGW0STF-SA5-200 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 265.07 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MGW0STF-SA5-200-W Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 299.09 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MGW15F-BIO-W Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 287.75 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MG0STF-SA5-200 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 262.8 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MG0STF-SA5-200-W Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 296.82 EUR

96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame

MG15F-BIO-W Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 285.48 EUR

High Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB01F2-HB8 Biomat 1 plate 3.74 EUR

High Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW01F-HB8 Biomat 1 plate 3.74 EUR

Carboxylated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB04F2-COOH Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 14.3 EUR

Carboxylated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW04F-COOH Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 14.3 EUR

Amine Treated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB02F2-AM1 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 21.23 EUR

Medium Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB0F2-MB Biomat 1 plate 3.52 EUR

Jacalin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB10F2-JAC Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 17.82 EUR

Biotin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB15F2-BIO Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 18.92 EUR

Biotin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB15F2-BIO/W Biomat 1 plate 25.96 EUR

Amine Treated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW02F-AM1 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 21.23 EUR

Medium Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW0F-MB Biomat 1 plate 3.52 EUR

Jacalin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW10F-JAC Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 17.82 EUR

Biotin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW15F-BIO Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 18.92 EUR

Biotin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW15F-BIO/W Biomat 1 plate 25.96 EUR

Maleimide Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB22F2-MAL Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 28.27 EUR

Maleimide Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW22F-MAL Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 28.27 EUR

Protein A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB06F2-PA Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 22.44 EUR

Protein A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB06F2-PA/W Biomat 1 plate 30.58 EUR

Protein G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB09F2-PG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 22.44 EUR

Protein G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB09F2-PG/W Biomat 1 plate 30.58 EUR

Wheat Germ Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB11F2-WG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 21.23 EUR

Wheat Germ Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB11F2-WG/W Biomat 1 plate 28.27 EUR

Protein A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW06F-PA Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 22.44 EUR

Protein A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW06F-PA/W Biomat 1 plate 30.58 EUR

Protein G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW09F-PG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 22.44 EUR

Protein G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW09F-PG/W Biomat 1 plate 30.58 EUR

Wheat Germ Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW11F-WG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 21.23 EUR

Wheat Germ Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW11F-WG/W Biomat 1 plate 28.27 EUR

Neutravidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB21F2-NA Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 22.44 EUR

Neutravidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB21F2-NA/W Biomat 1 plate 27.06 EUR

Neutravidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW21F-NA Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 22.44 EUR

Neutravidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW21F-NA/W Biomat 1 plate 27.06 EUR

Streptavidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB0STF2-SA5/200 Biomat 1 plate 23.65 EUR

Streptavidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB0STF2-SA5/200/W Biomat 1 plate 27.06 EUR

Streptavidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW0STF-SA5/200 Biomat 1 plate 23.65 EUR

Streptavidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW0STF-SA5/200/W Biomat 1 plate 27.06 EUR

Protein A/G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB08F2-PAG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 37.95 EUR

Protein A/G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB08F2-PAG/W Biomat 1 plate 51.59 EUR

Protein A/G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW08F-PAG Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 37.95 EUR

Protein A/G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW08F-PAG/W Biomat 1 plate 51.59 EUR

Concanavalin A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB07F2-CON_A Biomat 1 plate 15.4 EUR

Concanavalin A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB07F2-CON_A/W Biomat 1 plate 20.79 EUR

Concanavalin A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW07F-CON_A Biomat 1 plate 15.4 EUR

Concanavalin A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW07F-CON_A/W Biomat 1 plate 20.79 EUR

Poly-L-lysine Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB12F2-LYS-L Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 15.73 EUR

Poly-L-lysine Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW12F-LYS-L Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 15.73 EUR

Poly-L-arginine Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB13F2-AR Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 21.23 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC1 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB18F2-HC1 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 17.82 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC1 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB18F2-HC1/W Biomat 1 plate 21.78 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC2 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB19F2-HC2 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 18.92 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC2 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB19F2-HC2/W Biomat 1 plate 22 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC3 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB20F2-HC3 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 18.92 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC3 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB20F2-HC3/W Biomat 1 plate 22 EUR

Poly-L-arginine Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW13F-AR Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 21.23 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC1 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW18F-HC1 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 17.82 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC1 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW18F-HC1/W Biomat 1 plate 21.78 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC2 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW19F-HC2 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 18.92 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC2 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW19F-HC2/W Biomat 1 plate 22 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC3 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW20F-HC3 Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 18.92 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC3 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW20F-HC3/W Biomat 1 plate 22 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB25F2-aM Biomat 1 plate 32.89 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB25F2-aM/W Biomat 1 plate 38.72 EUR

Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB26F2-aR Biomat 1 plate 28.27 EUR

Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGB26F2-aR/W Biomat 1 plate 34.1 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW25F-aM Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 32.89 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW25F-aM/W Biomat 1 plate 38.72 EUR

Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW26F-aR Biomat 10 plates(2X5 plates in a transparent bag) 28.27 EUR

Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGW26F-aR/W Biomat 1 plate 34.1 EUR

Streptavidin High Binding Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGBSTDF2-SB75/100 Biomat 1 plate 25.96 EUR

Streptavidin High Binding Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - Black PS

MGBSTDF2-SB75/100/W Biomat 1 plate 29.48 EUR

Streptavidin High Binding Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGWSTDF-SB75/100 Biomat 1 plate 25.96 EUR

Streptavidin High Binding Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame - White PS

MGWSTDF-SB75/100/W Biomat 1 plate 29.48 EUR

High Binding Capacity - 96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame (Black)

BSV-MGB01F2-HB8 BioServUK 100 pcs 647 EUR

High Binding Capacity - 96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame (White)

BSV-MGW01F-HB8 BioServUK 100 pcs 647 EUR

Medium Binding Capacity - 96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame (Black)

BSV-MGB0F2-MB BioServUK 100 pcs 606 EUR

Medium Binding Capacity - 96 well plates - 12x8 Well Breakable Strips on single well holding frame (White)

BSV-MGW0F-MB BioServUK 100 pcs 606 EUR

Testosterone ELISA, Breakable Well

GWB-472DB9 GenWay Biotech 96 Tests Ask for price

8-well PCR Strip Tubes, Clear

27-425 Genesee Scientific Box of 125 Strips/Unit 67.53 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse, 1 x 8 Strip Well, Clear Coated 96 Well Plate, 1EA

X012-1EA Arbor Assays 1EA 48 EUR

Break-2-ways Plate Breakable - PK50

PCR1280 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK50 454.95 EUR

No Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT03F4-NB Biomat 1 plate 10.56 EUR

Carboxylated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT04F4-COOH Biomat 1 plate 14.08 EUR

High Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT01F4-HB8 Biomat 1 plate 3.52 EUR

Amine Treated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT02F4-AM1 Biomat 1 plate 21.01 EUR

Biotin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT15F4-BIO Biomat 1 plate 18.7 EUR

Biotin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT15F4-BIO/W Biomat 1 plate 25.74 EUR

Medium Binding 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT0F4-MB Biomat 1 plate 3.3 EUR

Jacalin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT10F4-JAC Biomat 1 plate 17.49 EUR

Maleimide Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT22F4-MAL Biomat 1 plate 28.05 EUR

0.2ml 8-Strip Tubes & Flat Strip Caps, Clear

24-706 Genesee Scientific Box of 125 Tubes & Caps/Unit 74.53 EUR

Streptavidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT0STF4-SA5/200 Biomat 1 plate 23.32 EUR

Streptavidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT0STF4-SA5/200/W Biomat 1 plate 26.84 EUR

Neutravidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT21F4-NA Biomat 1 plate 22.22 EUR

Neutravidin Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT21F4-NA/W Biomat 1 plate 26.84 EUR

Protein A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT06F4-PA Biomat 1 plate 22.22 EUR

Protein A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT06F4-PA/W Biomat 1 plate 30.36 EUR

Protein G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT09F4-PG Biomat 1 plate 22.22 EUR

Protein G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT09F4-PG/W Biomat 1 plate 30.36 EUR

Wheat Germ Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT11F4-WG Biomat 1 plate 21.01 EUR

Wheat Germ Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT11F4-WG/W Biomat 1 plate 28.05 EUR

Protein A/G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT08F4-PAG Biomat 1 plate 37.4 EUR

Protein A/G Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT08F4-PAG/W Biomat 1 plate 51.37 EUR

Concanavalin A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT07F4-CON_A Biomat 1 plate 15.18 EUR

Concanavalin A Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT07F4-CON_A/W Biomat 1 plate 20.46 EUR

0.2mL Clear Polypropylene PCR Tubes 8 Well Strips - PK300

6542 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK300 726.3 EUR

0.2ml 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Strip Caps, Clear

24-705 Genesee Scientific Box of 125 Tubes and Caps/Unit 69.27 EUR

Poly-L-lysine Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT12F4-LYS-L Biomat 1 plate 15.4 EUR

Poly-L-arginine Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT13F4-AR Biomat 1 plate 21.01 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC1 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT18F4-HC1 Biomat 1 plate 17.49 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC1 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT18F4-HC1/W Biomat 1 plate 21.56 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC2 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT19F4-HC2 Biomat 1 plate 18.7 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC2 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT19F4-HC2/W Biomat 1 plate 21.78 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC3 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT20F4-HC3 Biomat 1 plate 18.7 EUR

Heparin Catcher HC3 Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT20F4-HC3/W Biomat 1 plate 21.78 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT25F4-aM Biomat 1 plate 32.67 EUR

Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT25F4-aM/W Biomat 1 plate 38.5 EUR

Nickel Coated Plates, Clear, 12×8-Well Strips, White Frame


Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT26F4-aR/W Biomat 1 plate 33.88 EUR

Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MT26F4-aR_ Biomat 1 plate 28.05 EUR

Streptavidin High Binding Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MTSTDF4-SB75/100 Biomat 1 plate 25.74 EUR

Streptavidin High Binding Coated - 96 well plates - 8 Well Strips on 12 x 8 frame - Clear PS

MTSTDF4-SB75/100/W Biomat 1 plate 29.15 EUR

Streptavidin Coated Plates, Clear, 12×8-Well Strips, White Frame



PCR-0208-CP-C CORNING 125/pk 777.6 EUR


PCR-0208-CP-C-100 CORNING 100/pk 133.2 EUR

8-Strip PCR Tube with cap - Clear

PR12-1X200NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 88.06 EUR


PCR-0108-LP-C CORNING 125/pk 724.8 EUR


PCR-0208-C CORNING 125/pk 724.8 EUR


PCR-0208-C-100 CORNING 100/pk 106.8 EUR

8 Strip PCR Tubes Clear-600 Str - PK600

PCR1000 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK600 203.85 EUR

8-Strip PCR Tube without cap - Clear

PR14-1X200NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 73.42 EUR

8-Strip Ultra Clear Caps, 120 Strips of 8 Caps

GP407 GenDepot 960 caps 148.8 EUR


PCR-0108-LP-RT-C CORNING 125/pk 850.8 EUR


PCR-02CP-C CORNING 125/pk 174 EUR


PCR-02CP-C-100 CORNING 100/pk 56.4 EUR

E la striscia TRFIA si è comportata bene nel test additivo di campioni vegetali. È poco costoso da preparare, comodo da trasportare e facile da maneggiare. Ancora più importante, migliora l’efficienza di rilevamento e soddisfa le esigenze di test rapidi sul campo di un gran numero di campioni.